
Single-molecule characterization and super-resolution imaging of alzheimer's disease-relevant tau aggregates in human samples

2024 | Angewandte Chemie | Böken D, Cox D, Burke M, Lam JYL, Katsinelos T, Danial JS, Fertan E, McEwan WA, Rowe JB, Klenerman D.

Replicative aging impedes stress-induced assembly of a key human protein disaggregase

2023 | BioRxiv | Mathangasinghe Y, Alberts N, Rosado CJ, Cox D, Payne NL, Ormsby AR, Alp KM, Sakson R, Uthishtran S, Ruppert T, Arumugam S, Hatters DM, Kampinga HH, Nillegoda NB

Protein painting reveals pervasive remodeling of conserved proteostasis machinery in response to pharmacological stimuli

2022 | NPJ Systems Biology & Applications | Cox D, Ormsby AR, Reid GE, Hatters DM.

Sequence grammar underlying the unfolding and phase separation of globular proteins

2022 | Molecular Cell | Ruff KM, Choi YH, Cox D, Ormsby AR, Myung Y, Ascher DB, Radford SE, Pappu RV, Hatters DM.

A biosensor of protein foldedness identifies increased 'holdase' activity of chaperones in the nucleus following increased cytosolic protein aggregation

2022 | Journal of Biological Chemistry | Raeburn CB, Ormsby AR, Cox D, Gerak CA, Makhoul C, Moily NS, Ebbinghaus S, Dickson A, McColl G, Hatters DM.

A census of hsp70-mediated proteome solubility changes upon recovery from heat stress

2022 | Journal of Proteome Research | Sui X, Cox D, Nie S, Reid GE, Hatters DM.

Pink1 signalling in neurodegenerative disease

2021 | Essays in Biochemistry | Whiten DR, Cox D, Sue CM.

Neurodegenerative disease-associated protein aggregates are poor inducers of the heat shock response in neuronal cells

2020 | Journal of Cell Science | San Gil R, Cox D, McAlary L, Berg T, Walker AK, Yerbury JJ, Ooi L, Ecroyd H.

N- and c-terminal regions of αb-crystallin and hsp27 mediate inhibition of amyloid nucleation, fibril binding, and fibril disaggregation

2020 | Journal of Biological Chemistry | Selig EE, Zlatic CO, Cox D, Mok YF, Gooley PR, Ecroyd H, Griffin MDW.

Arginine in c9orf72 dipolypeptides mediates promiscuous proteome binding and multiple modes of toxicity

2020 | Molecular & Cellular Proteomics | Radwan M, Ang CS, Ormsby AR, Cox D, Daly JC, Reid GE, Hatters DM.

Widespread remodeling of proteome solubility in response to different protein homeostasis stresses

2020 | PNAS | Sui X, Pires DEV, Ormsby AR, Cox D, Nie S, Vecchi G, Vendruscolo M, Ascher DB, Reid GE, Hatters DM.

Protein aggregation in cell biology: an aggregomics perspective of health and disease

2020 | Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology | Cox D, Raeburn C, Sui X, Hatters DM.

Single-molecule characterization of the interactions between extracellular chaperones and toxic α-synuclein oligomers

2018 | Cell Reports | Whiten DR, Cox D, Horrocks MH, Taylor CG, De S, Flagmeier P, Tosatto L, Kumita JR, Ecroyd H, Dobson CM, Klenerman D, Wilson MR.

The small heat shock protein hsp27 binds α-synuclein fibrils, preventing elongation and cytotoxicity

2018 | Journal of Biological Chemistry | Cox D, Whiten DR, Brown JWP, Horrocks MH, San Gil R, Dobson CM, Klenerman D, van Oijen AM, Ecroyd H.

A biosensor-based framework to measure latent proteostasis capacity

2018 | Nature Communications | Wood RJ, Ormsby AR, Radwan M, Cox D, Sharma A, Vöpel T, Ebbinghaus S, Oliveberg M, Reid GE, Dickson A, Hatters DM.

The structured core domain of αb-crystallin can prevent amyloid fibrillation and associated toxicity

2014 | PNAS | Hochberg GK, Ecroyd H, Liu C, Cox D, Cascio D, Sawaya MR, Collier MP, Stroud J, Carver JA, Baldwin AJ, Robinson CV, Eisenberg DS, Benesch JL, Laganowsky A.
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